Tollbooth Antiques in Columbia, PA, is Open
Shop 12,000 ft² of Treasures Any Day of the Week

Retail and Wholesale Shoppers are Welcome
- 215 Chestnut Street
- Columbia, PA
- • Open 7 Days a Week, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Two warehouses are separated by a parking lot with ample additional parking to the rear for cars and trucks.
- Corner Block Building is Fully Occupied and Open
- Main Brick Warehouse is Under Renovation
- Bridge Street Warehouse is open with Industrial Antiques, Farm Tractors, Lumber, and More
- Help Onsite to Load Your Items
About the Tollbooth Facility
The antiques warehouse at 215 Chestnut Street in Columbia, PA, is a former industrial complex with three interconnected buildings that come together in a U shape.
The Main Building (the largest and tallest) is a two-story brick building that’s under renovation for future occupancy. It’s a diamond in the rough and has the nicest brick architecture of any building in Columbia. This 20,000 ft² building was spared from the recent blaze, along with the Corner Building, thanks to firefighters.
Unfortunately, the Rear Building along Second Street that connected the two Chestnut Street buildings was destroyed by fire.
The Corner Building at 215 Chestnut Street, also known as the Block Building (since it’s constructed mostly from block), is on the corner of Chestnut and Second, at the foot of the Route 462 bridge. This structure is up and running, with more than 20 vendors on two levels that total 12,000 ft² of space filled with antiques, collectibles, retro and midcentury items, vintage clothing, and more.
There’s ample parking in the parking lot between buildings, along the streets, on the clover leaves at the bridge, and field parking.